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Everything posted by X7123M3-256

  1. OK, now you are running OpenRCT2. The folder you need to select is the one where vanilla RCT2 is installed - since you're on Windows, it's probably somewhere in C://Program Files and will most likely be called "Roller Coaster Tycoon 2". You should see the rct2.exe executable (which is not used), and the subfolders "Data" and "ObjData". Searching for these files may help you find the folder.
  2. OpenRCT2 does not ask for the CD, it asks for the path where RCT2 is installed. It looks like you are running vanilla RCT2 and not OpenRCT2.
  3. The limits will be greatly increased as soon as the new save format is merged. In the current version of the new save format, you can have up to 256 ride/shop types selected, which is double the SV6 limit (this will likely increase further before the new save format is finished), and up to 5 times as many objects on the map. I think sprite counts can go up to 65536 (up from the old limit of 10000). The new save format will not completely remove the limits, and I don't think that's planned - they will just be increased to the point that that they're not a problem.
  4. Your vehicle needs to be selected in the object selection in order to use it. It should not be necessary to build any additional rides. When it comes to creating the vehicle, you make the same sprites no matter how wide the turns are. Each vehicle has 32 angles of the car, and these same 32 sprites are used for both wide turns and small turns. This also means the default vehicles can handle wide turns already, they just lack the track sprites for it (the track will be invisible). The go karts don't just lack the sprites for these elements, they also lack the code to draw them properly. Because the go karts have multiple lanes, they use different drawing logic from the other tracked rides. If you want to make these elements work properly, a custom vehicle that has the sprites would be necessary but not enough - if you want to do this I suggest you talk to the guy who implemented the wide turns (I think he's on the OpenRCT2 discord). The main reason I don't recommend it is because his method is unnecessarily hard, and will actually lead to a worse result than doing things the easier way. For example, he tells you to find the camera angle by trial and error, instead of just telling you exactly what it is, and he suggests dithering the image to the wrong 256 color palette and then dithering it again (which will lead to worse colors than rendering in full color and dithering once). Also, some of his information is just wrong - for example, he says you can't change the spacing of the trains when there are examples of vanilla trains with different spacing. (I know AE didn't know how to change spacing, but really he should have known it was possible). Creating a custom ride - especially a simple one like a go karts vehicle - is not especially difficult for someone who is already familar with 3D modelling or is willing to learn. I recommend starting with the JSON format and Oli414's Blender plugin, because this is the easiest way to get a good quality result IMO (although Oli's tool still has issues and he doesn't seem to be working on it at the moment). If you want your object to be a DAT file, you can work on that later.
  5. Download the objects and put them in your custom object folder There's instructions included with the download. Note that there are three versions of the train included in the ZIP file - two are standard DAT objects and one is a JSON object. I'm pretty sure you can place them all in your normal custom object folder, but the instructions will tell you to place the "official" object somewhere else. Note that you will need to be on the latest develop build to use these, as the single rail track is not available in release yet.
  6. There's a limit of 10000 entities in total (including guests, staff, and coaster cars). There is also a limit of 256 rides on the map. These limits can only be removed with the new save format (which is still in an experimental stage), as SV6 files don't have any room for more data - although the new format isn't truly unlimited either, it just greatly increases the limits.
  7. Do you have any ride in your park that has yet to return to the station? Ride stats are calculated sequentially, so if one ride never gets stats, nothing built after that will either. See if there are any other rides that don't have stats yet and try closing them - the mine train coaster may not actually be the cause of the problem.
  8. It actually already is. But due to the interface being difficult to use on touchscreen, most people prefer Classic on mobile. Although OpenRCT2 currently still uses the same file format as vanilla RCT2, it adds a few new features that are not available in the original game (or Classic). In addition, the code has more sanity checks, so some hacks that are commonly used in OpenRCT2 will crash vanilla (or Classic). If you want your OpenRCT2 park to work in RCT Classic, here are the major things you need to avoid (may not be an exhaustive list): Corrupt Elements Invisible entrances Use of track elements not available in vanilla - this includes steep slopes on the junior coaster, inversions on the giga coaster, and boosters on any ride type that doesn't have them in Classic (note that if you want your park to work with vanilla RCT2 as well, then you can't use boosters at all). Use of unavailable track elements. In OpenRCT2, if you build a looping coaster (for example) and then change it to giga coaster using the arbitrary ride type cheat, the loops will be invisible, but still function. In vanilla RCT2/Classic, this will (generally) crash the game. Arbitrary ride types, in general, is fine to use but be careful of this when using it. The hybrid and single rail coaster types. Any of the RCT1 content (which I think is just the land/wall textures at the moment, but might include the vehicle types in the future).
  9. Yes, there's a plugin for that. That's also something that could be done with a plugin, although I don't know if there's an existing plugin which does this.
  10. They were made by @Spacek, you can get them from his download page on NE.
  11. If I recall correctly, there's a binary out there somewhere but the source code was never released, so no way to merge it with the latest OpenRCT2 code. You might be able to find it and get it to run, but you'd be playing a three year old version of OpenRCT2.
  12. To edit the map size and/or land ownership, enable "sandbox mode" in the cheat menu and then open the minimap window. This also allows you to place scenery outside of park boundaries. To edit the available objects, go to "object selection" and to change the invention order, go to "inventions list". These are the same windows you would have in the scenario editor with in the scenario editor.
  13. You can edit the map size, land ownership, research list and everything beforehand, then use the "convert saved game to scenario" to turn the final map back into a scenario. You won't be able to edit the map once in the scenario editor but you don't need to if you get it exactly how you want it first. Also, I'm pretty sure you can load a landscape from a saved game, so you could create a new scenario and then import the map. However, this will remove any rides - if you want to create a scenario that starts with rides already built, converting a saved game to a scenario is the only way I know of.
  14. There's a plugin which allows you to copy and paste scenery here. But if you want to recreate a scenario from a saved game, why not just remove the stuff you don't want and then do "convert saved game to scenario"?
  15. This isn't a bug; the RCT2 version of the ride doesn't go vertical. It doesn't have sprites for steeper angles.
  16. The one in program files is for the game data (executable, non-vanilla asset files etc), and the other is for user data (saves, track designs, custom objects etc).
  17. This thread is from 2018. 0.0.7 is a really old version (from 2017). The Mac version requirement was increased when the plugin system is merged - if the current release doesn't work I would see if 0.2.6 does, as that's the last release without it.
  18. This is normal. In Factory Capers you have construction rights for all of the surrounding land.
  19. The object selection lists the vehicle types you have - the hybrid track won't appear there unless you have a train type that uses it (which you won't, because none has been created yet). At the moment, you need to use the arbitrary ride type cheat to use the track. It is listed as "Hybrid Coaster" in the arbitrary ride type menu.
  20. You want RCT2 (and optionally RCT1). Although OpenRCT2 can work with RCT Classic, it is a bit more awkward to set up IIRC and I'm not sure if all of the assets are supported yet.
  21. To make a path invisible to the player, you can either use the tile inspector to hide the footpath, or you can use a custom invisible footpath object. Neither of these has any effect on guest pathfinding. If you want a path that guests can't use, you can either make it so it's not connected to the rest of the path, or use a scenery object that looks like path but isn't. This is default behaviour, if you have a wide path the guests will ignore most of it and the AI treats the path as single wide. If you go to "Show wide paths" in the debug options, it will show you which of your path tiles are ignored by the AI, but there's no way to directly change which tiles these are (you can only edit the path layout and observe the effect).
  22. There's a tool called the object editor that most people use, I can't say much about it because I've never used it. With the new JSON object format, this tool isn't strictly necessary - you can create objects with just a text editor and an image editor - but JSON objects cannot yet be exported in save files. I haven't seen much in the way of tutorials on making custom scenery, if you ask on NE I'm sure someone there would know if one exists.
  23. There are no sprites for queues with junctions. I'm sure you could make some, but what would you want them for and how would you expect peeps to behave upon encountering one?
  24. IIRC, this is a known issue that happens when there's been an update but the binary build isn't available yet. You should still be able to play if you invoke OpenRCT2 directly, the launcher should work again when the new build is available.
  25. This is the result of a change made to the clearance boxes of the vertical loops. These prebuilts violate the new clearances, but you should be able to place the tracks with "Disable clearance checks" enabled. @Fred-104has made altered versions of these prebuilts which will work with the new clearances.
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