Download OpenRCT2 v0.4.11 release

Windows downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Windows ARM64 InstallerOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-installer-arm64.exe778c01d58.13 MB
Windows x86 InstallerOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-installer-win32.exe354c0a558.68 MB
Windows x64 InstallerOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-installer-x64.exebbca96e59.34 MB
Windows x64 PortableOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-portable-x64.zipdb205ca62.78 MB
Windows x86 PortableOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-portable-win32.zipfb4b67361.77 MB
Windows ARM64 PortableOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-portable-arm64.zip621190c61.81 MB

Linux downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
AppImage x86_64OpenRCT2-0.4.11-linux-x86_64.AppImage505780690.33 MB
Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 x86_64OpenRCT2-0.4.11-linux-jammy-x86_64.tar.gzd8693a9130.28 MB
Ubuntu Jammy 22.04 i686OpenRCT2-0.4.11-linux-jammy-i686.tar.gz5c33fea134.48 MB
Debian Bullseye x86_64OpenRCT2-0.4.11-linux-bullseye-x86_64.tar.gze7600d8128.43 MB

macOS downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
macOS Universal PortableOpenRCT2-0.4.11-macos-universal.zipf11ddef80.29 MB

Android downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Android ARMOpenRCT2-0.4.11-android-arm.apk25cf70047.34 MB

Miscellaneous downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Windows x64 Debug SymbolsOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-symbols-x64.zipe8ebd2a32.97 MB
Windows x86 Debug SymbolsOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-symbols-win32.zip8a45dcf30.49 MB
Windows ARM64 Debug SymbolsOpenRCT2-0.4.11-windows-symbols-arm64.zip53f56dc30.22 MB

Release notes

- Feature: [#11512] Coloured usernames by group on multiplayer servers.
- Feature: [#21734] Park admittance price can now be set via text input.
- Feature: [#21957] [Plugin] Expose whether the game is paused to the plugin API.
- Improved: [#21728] “Fix all rides” cheat now also works if a mechanic is already fixing the ride.
- Improved: [#21769] Expose “animation is backwards” wall property in Tile Inspector.
- Improved: [#21855] Add a separator between “Load Game” and “Save Game”, to avoid accidental overwriting.
- Change: [#21715] [Plugin] Remove access to the internal `owner` property. Note: `ownership` is still accessible.
- Change: [#21855] Cheats menu dropdown no longer requires dragging.
- Change: [#21866] Hide the FPS Counter when the top toolbar/widgets have been toggled off.
- Change: [#21950] Construction and removal buttons can now be held down for repeated placement.
- Fix: [#866] Boat Hire boats get stuck entering track (original bug).
- Fix: [#10701] No reason specified when placing door over unsuitable track.
- Fix: [#18723, #21870] Attempting to demolish a flat ride in pause mode allows you to place multiple copies.
- Fix: [#19559] Custom rides with long descriptions extend into lower widgets.
- Fix: [#21696] Fullscreen window option not correctly applied on macOS.
- Fix: [#21749] Crash when loading park bigger than current limits.
- Fix: [#21787] Map generator heightmap should respect increased height limits.
- Fix: [#21829] When creating a new scenario, the default name contains formatting codes.
- Fix: [#21937] Build errors with the ORIGINAL_RATINGS flag.
- Fix: [objects#324] Cannot build Colosseum inside a turn or helix.
- Fix: [objects#325] Sloped castle walls are vertically offset by one pixel (original bug).