Download OpenRCT2 v0.3.5.1 release

Windows downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Windows x86 InstallerOpenRCT2- MB
Windows x64 InstallerOpenRCT2- MB
Windows x86 PortableOpenRCT2- MB
Windows x64 PortableOpenRCT2- MB
Windows x86 PortableOpenRCT2- MB

Linux downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Linux i686OpenRCT2- MB
Linux x86_64OpenRCT2- MB
Linux x86_64OpenRCT2- MB

macOS downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
macOS Universal PortableOpenRCT2- MB

Android downloads

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Android ARMOpenRCT2- MB

Miscellaneous downloads

VariantFilenameSHA-256 ChecksumFile Size
Windows x86 Debug SymbolsOpenRCT2- MB
Windows x64 Debug SymbolsOpenRCT2- MB

Release notes

- Improved: [#12825, #12869] The Tile Inspector window’s layout has been tweaked slightly.
- Change: [#15899] Weird bonus for path 0 - likely intended as a queue bonus (original bug).
- Fix: [#15138] Sometimes small scenery stays when building through it.
- Fix: [#15620] Placing track designs at locations blocked by anything results in wrong error message.
- Fix: [#15843] Tile Inspector can be resized too small.
- Fix: [#15844] Tile Inspector has inconsistent text colours.
- Fix: [#15878] Crash when opening a ride window for a corrupted vehicle.
- Fix: [#15908] Crash when track elements have no ride assigned.
- Fix: [#15919] Research status incorrectly considered for scenery when in editor modes.
- Fix: [#15938] Track designs of some ride types are incorrectly exported to TD6.